Media Week!
Benchmarking your computer
These programs will show you how well it stands compared to your friends
Over Clocking 101
How to over clock your computer safely and efficiently!
Organize it
Organize all your media in just a click of a button!
Media Management
Media Cataloging
Office witch office is best for you!
Whats new Intel
Info on Intel's Penryn
What might come soon!
Upgrade your computer
Ill show you how to upgrade a new computer with the stuff in your computer right now!
How to organize your computer space!
We will help you organize your wires behind and around your computer
Unveiling the best deal for a PC on Black Friday
Clean your computer inside and out
Ill help you get your Windows XP computer running like brand new inside and out
include a cleaning guide and maintenance guide
Project Spare
Ill build a computer with the best spare parts laying around my house
Laptop Buyer guide
Desktop Buyer guide
Build your computer
What to buy and what to look for
Build a computer to last and have options in the future
Find out if Maximum PC will use our computer for another PC makeovers guide last issue was July 04 and because of the new hardware of 07 their is a lot more possibility's for PC Makeovers 07